Connor Blancato
Connor Blancato practices real estate law with an emphasis on Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). Prior to joining Hirschen Singer & Epstein LLP, he held internships at the New York City Housing Development Corporation (NYCHDC), the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (NYCHPD), and the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA). He is the author of QAP OUT; Why the Federal Government Should Require More from How States Allocate Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, 28 J.L. & POL’Y 639 (2020).
Mr. Blancato graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts from Loyola University Maryland, where he was a member of the Loyola University Rugby Football Club. He graduated cum laude from Brooklyn Law School and received the Max M. Lome Memorial Award for obtaining the highest grade in Urban Law. Mr. Blancato served as Executive Notes and Comments Editor of the Brooklyn Law School Journal of Law and Policy and was a recipient of the New York State Bar Association Real Property Section’s Melvyn Mitzner Scholarship. He is also an Eagle Scout. Mr. Blancato is admitted to practice in New York.
Loyola University Maryland, B.A.
Brooklyn Law School, J.D.