Representative Transactions >
Landing Road

Landing Road
Landing Road is a unique permanent supportive housing development, which co-locates traditional shelter housing with permanent affordable housing. Located in the University Heights neighborhood of the Bronx, Landing Road includes a ground floor shelter with 200 beds for transitional shelter for working, homeless single adults. Above the shelter is the residential condominium, which offers 135 affordable housing units for homeless individuals and families transitioning out of shelter care. The Developer will provide on-site social services including workforce development training, employee and housing retention services to assist in the transition from shelter-living to self-sufficiency, thus creating a pathway from homelessness to housing security. Landing Road will be energy efficient; it is being developed using solar panel arrays.
Developer: Bowery Residents’ Committee, Inc.
Architect: Edelman Sultan Knox Wood / Architects
Contractor: Erin Construction
Financing: HDC/HPD/New York State Energy Research and Development Authority/Bank of America, N.A./The New York Pooled PRI Fund, LLC/The Contact Fund, LLC/The Rector, Church-Wardens and Vestrymen of Trinity Church in the City of New York